Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ok I have nothing to do in typing in school so i am going to blog!!! O man this class is boaring I am way teired and I do not wont to do any thing but sit here and O ya

Friday, January 9, 2009

It is 2009

I can not beilieve that it is 2009 all ready it fills like yesterday that it was 2007. Some of my new year reselotions is to read the Book of Mormon ever night and at least a vers in the mornings becaue it is realy hard to get in the habit so I have been trying realy hard. A nother one is I wont to get all A's but that is hard so I can get two-three B's I have to go now so bye O one more thing I have to talk in church sunday I am nervise I have to talk on Divine Nature you do not know how hard it is to find out somthing to talk to every one on Divine Nature well I propbly should go and write my talk now so bye.