Sunday, May 17, 2009

My Birthday!!!

For my birthday me and three of my friends that could come to my party had a scavigerhunt it was way fun we are going to have a big one soon so I will post them later after we do it ha ha!!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009


Bear River!!!

Sorry I have not updated but a really do not have that much to say. So I guess I will talk about how I CAN NOT WAITE TILL SCHOOL IS OUT WE ONLY HAVE LIKE 16 DAYS!!!!!! This summer I have so much planed I have EFY I am going to that with Sarah!!! Then I have girls camp and the trek and then I have so much more I wont to do like go to bear river and go boating. I wont to go to the fair and hang out with my friends I do not know how I am going to do it all but I guess I will figure it out..