Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Do you know what is sick???

Shane West O YA!!!!!!

The Edward that they picked to be edwared is wired. twilite I think they picked the uglys guy in the world and I do not like him one bit. O MY AND WHEN I SEE PEOPLE WITH THE SHIRTS ON THAT DRIVES ME CRAZY. O and I thout that one of the guys was cute and they whre going to pick him but they sed that he was to old in rill life. What dose that even matter he looks like he is 19 and that is good!!!!
O man and some thing that drives me nuts is when guys read it is so stupid that they read thouse books they are made for girls and I do not think they should read them but it is ok if a girl tells them about them but if they read them it is so wierd and i think gay so ya so that what I think..

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