Friday, November 7, 2008

The new president

If you like OBOMA do not read this!! I do not like him at all he is crazy teristic deval man and I do not agree with what he think about abortion.Oboma beileves in something more rong then aborshon he beilives in alive abortion and that is where you what till the last trmester and the baby could live but they take the baby and put the baby in a little thing put a blanket over it and just let it die.
I do not think this is right that is so stupid and i do not think that it is right to kill a man or woman but a baby that is horibul and atleests a olded person can fight a baby is depending on you and you kill it that is horibal. you should be ashamed of your self if you agree with what oboma thinks about this. in couclution i do not think this right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

okay cassie, use spell check!
But totally, I dont know about Politics, but killing a baby is wrong! Really i dont know about Politics, all I know is vote for PROP. 102 - okay i'm sorry but this is going to be a LONG comment! I HATE!!! (and i'm not saying you did it, I just got reminded of it from your post) But I HATE when little kids talk Politics, they just feed off their parents, what ever their parents say, they say, Siearra came home on the day of the election, and started getting all crazy that Obama won, so I said, good, we want Obama to win, and then she went really? Yay!! just goes to show you: she had NO idea who either person was, but still wanted one of them to win, I think it is mostly because kids trust their parents more than anyone, and your opinion has to come from someone. Anyway, what I hate so much is when at school people talk about politics and have NO idea what they are talking about, like they didnt do any kind of research on the topic, they just say stuff, and its stupid and pointless, becuase why talk about it, if it isnt going to change anyones vote? Kids in highschool are soooo stubborn about it, because they know nothing about it! And will defend what their parents say to the death! So everyday I hear at school, "dont vote for mcCain!" first off - I'm not voting
second - why? - and they cant answer you!